Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Epic MA Pelagic Trip eBird Checklists

In case you missed it, over at BirdingIsFun I posted my report of the Brookline Bird Club pelagic trip off Massachusetts last month.  Check it out for a narrative view.  Or if you want the blow by blow account--not blowing groceries--but rather eBird reports from every step of the way, check out the links below:

25 August 2012
Hyannis Harbor 6AM
Just outside Hyannis Harbor 6:30 AM
BBC Pelagic 7AM
BBC Pelagic 7:30AM
BBC Pelagic 8AM
BBC Pelagic 8:30AM
BBC Pelagic 9AM    (highlight: Long-tailed Jaeger)
BBC Pelagic 9:30AM 
BBC Pelagic 10AM   (highlight: Scopoli's Shearwater)
BBC Pelagic 10:30AM
BBC Pelagic 11AM
BBC Pelagic 11:30AM  (highlight: Loggerhead Sea Turtle)
BBC Pelagic 12:30PM
BBC Pelagic 1PM
BBC Pelagic 1:45PM
BBC Pelagic 2PM   (highlight: Leatherback Sea Turtle)
BBC Pelagic 2:30PM
BBC Pelagic 3PM   (highlight: White-faced Storm Petrel)
BBC Pelagic 4:45PM
BBC Pelagic 5PM   (another White-faced Storm Petrel)
BBC Pelagic 5:30PM
BBC Pelagic 6PM   (highlight: Band-rumped Storm Petrel)
BBC Pelagic 7PM    (highlight: Bridled Tern)

After it got dark is when I got really sick :-(

26 August 2012
BBC Pelagic 5:30AM   (highlights: Barolo Shearwater and Red-billed Tropicbird)
BBC Pelagic 9AM
BBC Pelagic 9:30AM  (another White-faced Storm Petrel)
BBC Pelagic 10AM
BBC Pelagic 11AM (another Band-rumped Storm Petrel)
BBC Pelagic 11:30AM  (highlight: Audubon's Shearwater)
BBC Pelagic 12:30PM  (heading back in)
BBC Pelagic 1:30PM
BBC Pelagic 2PM
BBC Pelagic 2:30PM  (highlight: Manx Shearwater)
BBC Pelagic 3PM
BBC Pelagic 4:30PM

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fly By Night Dickcissel

Early this morning, while I was sleeping, my Oldbird 21c microphone picked up a Dickcissel calling as it flew over my house.  This is a locally rare breeder and migrant, and a new bird for my yard.  Thanks to technology, I'm even birding when I'm asleep!

Dickissel, 14 September 2012, 4:35am, Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ