Thursday, March 30, 2006

Free Bird Videos Online

Back in 2001, some friends in Austin were planning to set up a website where you could pay to watch bird videos, with the proceeds going to support bird conservation. They gave me a top-of-the-line video camera to use, and encouraged me to go out and shoot footage of local birds. One of my biggest disappointments is that between working on my PhD, working full-time, and juggling three small children, I never really got to become the bird videographer that I might have hoped, and when I moved from Austin, I gave up the video camera.

Well, my friends finally have their website up--and good news is you can watch the videos for free! Right now there are over 200 high-quality bird videos to watch; everything from Andean Cock-of-the-Rock to Yellow-eyed Junco.

Check out the cool videos at

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