Friday, July 14, 2006

Baby Towhee

On my way into work this morning, I stopped at the bird blind at Peace Valley Nature Center for a little relaxation. 22 species of birds were at the feeders, including something I'd never seen before--a juvenile Eastern Towhee (see photo by Birdfoto). It spent most of its time on the ground in the bushes or grass below a couple feeders, but a few times it flew up onto a feeder or into a pine tree. In flight, huge white patches in the wings and white outter tail feathers might remind one of a mockingbird. Eastern Towhees are a species of conservation concern, as they nest in shrubby understory of forests that are the favorite food of the overabundant White-tailed Deer in the East. The nature center here has a deer exclusion fence around the bird feeding area...good to see that at least one baby towhee made it out of the nest there.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I'm finding this 16 years after you posted it. I wanted to thank you because this particular photo helped me ID who I saw. Some other juvenile ET photos were close but still looked more solid colored than who I saw. This photo looks exactly like him and helped me confirm that he was a juvenile ET and not an unfamiliar species to me. Thanks for sharing!
