Monday, August 28, 2006
Colorado Rocky Mountain High
Friday I flew to Denver and drove three and a half hours up to Mt. Princeton for the Audubon Colorado Rendezvous. A spectacular meeting place along a creek below the cliffs of the 14,000 foot peak. Most of my time was spent in meetings watching the storms roll in and out of the valley, but great to see some old friends like Clark's Nutcracker, Townsend's Solitaire, and Mountain Chickadee. Heard Red Crossbills flying over several times but never got on them. Something was messed up with my binoculars, and I couldn't get them to focus fast enough. I thought it might have been sand in the focusing mechanism, but they are OK again now that I'm back in Pennsylvania, so wondering if it had something to do with the pressurized binocular tubes and the high altitude? If anyone has had anything like this happen to their Zeiss 7x42 Dialyts, let me know! It was a pain since I was pretty sure I had a Black Swift going over at one point, but couldn't focus the bins fast enough to get on it!
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