Tuesday, February 20, 2007

GBBC Photo Gallery

Two years ago we started a Great Backyard Bird Count photo contest as a way for people to share pictures of their favorite birds seen during the count. If you got some nice bird photos this past weekend, consider sharing them here. Otherwise, just drop by to see what others are sharing at the GBBC photo gallery. (photo: Margaret Heslin).


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Marg is a great friend of mine!! She was soo excited they picked this picture for this count!

  2. Oh Cool it's me! (Well not really me, since I'm not a nuthatch, :D)
    I still am excited!

    Now I have to check out this block some more, I see a cool macaw!

  3. And as you can see still too excited to spell! ;)

  4. Its a great shot Marg, thanks for sharing!
