Saturday, February 17, 2007

International GBBC

I've had several people email with desires to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count from outside of the U.S. and Canada. While the official GBBC website and database can only handle sightings from the U.S. and Canada at this point, feel free to post your International GBBC counts here as a comment! Hopefully in future years, we can get a more official way to share International GBBC counts.

A U.S. serviceman from Iraq sent me this list from CSC Scania:
European Collared Dove--19
House Sparrow--73
White-cheeked Bulbul--4
Black-winged Stilt--1
Carrion Crow--1
Rock Dove--1
Hooded Crow--1
Crested Lark--1
Unidentified bird of prey--1
Unidentified wren-like bird--1

Lets hear it for our International GBBC participants!

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