Thursday, March 29, 2007

Turkey Walk

This morning a friend saw 14 Wild Turkeys crossing the driveway when he pulled into work. When I arrived a half hour later, I decided to take a stroll down into the woods to see if the birds might still be around. Moving slowly, I was able to find at least 11 hens and 2 tom turkeys walking single-file through the trees. Then the males stopped to display, puffing up their feathers and fanning their tails. I didn't grow up with turkeys, so its always fun for me to see this. For a moment, the woods at work were a primordial forest, with a troop of ancient lifeforms moving through a parallel universe that I was priviledged to visit. I love that.

1 comment:

  1. I saw about half a dozen hen Turkeys on my way to work this morning in Windsor Ct.-I have seen as many recently as in past years-there has been a decline.
