A couple months ago on the PA Birds email list I asked for reports of Egyptian Goose from across the state. These exotic geese turn up from time to time, with individuals sometimes persisting at a location for lengthy periods of time or even returning in consecutive years. They have bred at least twice in the wild in Pennsylvania. So far, I have 36 reports of Egyptian Goose from 11 counties. High count is 10 at Nockamixon in 2003, where free-flying birds were breeding in 2003 and 2004.
Here's a quick summary of reports:
1994, Crosslands Pond, Chester Co
1997 (5 Mar),Green and Angelica Lake, Berks Co
1999, Angelica Lake, Berks Co
1999, New Brighton, Beaver Co
2000 (Oct), Sweet Arrow Lake, Schuylkill Co
2000 (Feb),Peace Valley , Bucks Co
2000 (25 Apr ) , Heller Rd, Richaland TWP , Bucks Co
2000 (Jan-Apr ) , Nockamixon SP , Bucks Co
2000, Shippensburg, Cumberland Co
2001 , Saltsburg , Westmoreland Co
2001 (Mar ) , Peace Valley , Bucks Co
2001 (Feb-May 02 ) , Nockamixon SP , Bucks Co
2001 (to Mar 03 ) , Peace Valley , Bucks Co
2002 (Dec ) , Nockamixon SP , Bucks Co
2002 (6 Mar ), Bedminster , Bucks Co
2003 (Apr-Nov ) , Lake Nockamixon , Bucks Co
2003 (14 Nov ) ,Peace Valley , Bucks Co
2003 , Stoyer's Dam , Schuylkill Co
2004 (Jun-Spe ) , Lake Nockamixon , Bucks Co
2004 (21 Mar ) , Doylestown , Bucks Co
2004 (17 Jan ) , Peace Valley , Bucks Co
2004 (3 Apr ) , Nockamixon SP , Bucks Co
2005 (5 May-Spe ) , Lake Nockamixon , Bucks Co
2005 (Winter ) , Belvediere Bridge , Northampton Co
2005 (27 Mar), Oakmont, Allegheny Co
2005 (22 Apr ) , Bender's Pond , Franklin Co
2006 (27 Mar ) , Gotwall's Pond , Berks Co
2006 , Hwy 611 N. of Doylestown , Bucks Co
2006 (winter ) , Belvediere Bridge , Northampton Co
2007 (fall ) , Schuylkill River , Philadelphia Co
2007 (fall ) , Pine Run/ Peace Valley , Bucks Co
2007 (8 Dec), Peace Valley, Bucks Co
2007 (29 Dec-12 Jan 08), Bedminster TWP, Bucks Co
2007 (18 Feb ) , Nockamixon SP , Bucks Co
2007 (Feb) , Peace Valley , Bucks Co
It looks like a small number of these birds are probably always flying around SE Pennsylvania, though without more reports it will be hard to know exactly how many and if they are regularly breeding anywhere. We really need people to keep bettter track of sightings of these birds, so we can get a better handle on how many there are and if they might be breeding regularly. Perhaps we can add them to the eBird filters for Pennsylvania.
Thanks to the following individuals who reported sightings (either to me or to PA birds): Chris Bohinski, Howard Eskin, Bill Etter, Mike Fialkovich, Pol Heiney, Len Hess, D. Husic, Thomas Ford-Hutchinson, Katrina Knight, Dennis Miller, August Mirabella, Ed Richards, Ruth Ann Smith, Adam Sabatine, Bill Stewart.
Another sighting or actually shooting occured in California on January 26, 2008. While hunting in the Sutter Bypass area, just North of Sacramento, CA, my brother shot 2 of them out of the sky. He didn't know what kind of geese they were, but found out later, and is going to have one of them stuffed. A very handsome looking bird. - Dennis Miller - Galt, CA
ReplyDeleteWhile goose hunting in Bradford County, PA yesterday I harvest an Egyptian goose. Beautiful bird.
ReplyDeleteRob---While hunting yesterday in Bradford Co. Pa I harvested an egytian goose. Beautiful bird, went immediately to the taxedermist. If you would like more info about the encounter, let me know.---Matt Goodson-Wyalusing, PA
ReplyDeleteThis morning was the third time i have seen a pair of the Egyptian Geese here in Melbourne, FL ....i feed the ducks in the morning and these two scared my ducks away. Gorgeous birds but very aggressive toward other birds however they didnt seem to have a problem with the squirrels.
ReplyDeleteJune 1,2008
ReplyDeleteA pair of Egyptian geese appeared last September(2007)at Ingleside Golf Course in Thorndale, Pa. Thorndale is in Caln Township located in Chester County.
They arrived with a flock of Canada geese who seem to have adopted them. The Canadas protect them from other Canada flocks that try to run them off.
They have stayed here through the winter and have become celebrities with the local people because of their beauty.
They seem to have mated because they have become very aggressive. The male hisses and the female raises quite a squalking sound if any geese come near them.
We are hoping for hatchlings.
Logan White
On May 30, 2008, I took a picture of a bird that was in our backyard on Fairview Lake, Oregon (just east of Portland). I didn't know what kind of bird he was, but he was beautiful. In looking at the internet, he definitely was an Egyptian Goose. He was alone and I have never seen one like him. We have many Canadian geese during the winter and a few year round.
ReplyDeleteWe had a single Egyptian Goose stay at a pond at the Springport Golf Course in Harrisville, MI. The goose returned this spring. He is aggressive toward other ducks such as mallards, otherwise quite docile.
ReplyDeleteL. Crampton
For about a month a female Egyptian Goose has been coming into my back yard with a flock of Canadian geese with whom she gets along well. Mallards and Wood Ducks also come into the yard but she pays no more attention to them than do the geese. Wonderful to watch the interactions. I live on the shore of Hoover Reservoir in southern Delaware County just north of Columbus,OH. I did not know what she was until I saw one on Animal Cops of South Africa on Animal Planet cable channel. I have photos of her but do not know how to share them on this site.
ReplyDeleteWe live in Margate, Florida on a lake on a golf course. We had seen three adults since December and were unable to identify them. Recently, two of them had about 6 goslings. We haven't seen the third one around. We thought they had just migrated here, but it looks like they are staying!
ReplyDeleteI too live in Margste . I first noticed the birds 4 or 5 years ago. The population certainly appears to be increasing steadily.
DeleteTwo have showed up in our buffalo enclosure in Harris County Bear Creek park. Denise Gay- Houston, TX
ReplyDeleteTwo new arrivals on our golf course in east Texas have gone from the various lakes on the course. They have been here around 3 weeks or so and seem quite aggressive towards the resident swan and the other ducks. They are very pretty but kind of menacing with the brown circles around their eyes and their chasing behaviors.
ReplyDeleteThere is a healthy pair at a golf course in Mays Landing NJ. I prefer not to name the golf course for their protection. They raised a brood of chicks this summer and have successfully driven off other fowl and even deer who venture too close to their nesting area. They are a handsome pair and quite entertaining.
ReplyDeleteIn the backyard in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, we have many ducks. My favorite one, a real beautiful bird with a broken wing comes close for me to feed it. Someone called it a goose. How silly! I just looked on the internet, and indeed it is an Egyptian Goose. Excactly like the pictures I found. Where the ducks stay together, he stays by himself. He has gotten use to my presence, and come over for food, but backs away quickly when the ducks crowd in.
ReplyDeleteI live in Tamarac, Fl. There was a pair here last Nov. This year, 2008, however, they brought 6 of their friends. Beautiful birds. They love stale bread which they soften in the pond behind my townhome and eat copius quantities of wild bird seed. They will respond to a whistle -0 Bob Chalmers, Tamarac, Fl
ReplyDeleteI work in The Woodlands, Texas. I am fortunate to have an office that looks out into a wooded area with a pond. I feed the squirrels and birds on a regular basis right outside my door. I recently went on a two week vacation and my co-workers were very excited to report that a couple of ducks were sited at my door while I was away. I didn't have to wait long to see the new visitors. I had never seen any bird of that kind. I new they were special. They looked like they could have belonged in the dinosaur age. I thought they were ducks because of their size but further investigation proved otherwise. They are not bashful about letting you know they want more food. They make eye contact with you and bang on the glass door to get your attention. Their markings and colors are so perfect that they appear fake. I am so glad I had the opportunity to see these beautiful birds. C. D. E.-Huntsville, TX 11/19/08
ReplyDeleteWe have had a pair of Egyptian Geese on our golf course in Houston for at least ten years. I feed them and visit with them every time I play golf---I think they recognize me and are eager to be fed. Recently one of them died and the other one left has moved in with the many ducks on another of the course's lakes. I feel so bad for her. Her beauty really sticks out in that bunch of half-breed ducks. Wonder if it is possible to purchase a replacement Egyptian for her?? Is that possible?
ReplyDeleteDecember 2, 2008
ReplyDeleteJust thought I would let you know that there is an Egyptian Goose residing on our pond in NW Ohio (Van Wert county). Don't know how or why it's here, but she sure is interesting!
A trio spotted 1-7-2008 in Davie, FL. Two males trying to mate a female.
ReplyDeletePics and video here:
01/22/09 - Melbourne FL zip 32934. Two Egyption Geese have been hanging around my property for the last two days. They have been very aggressive towards the 20 ducks that live at our house. Today the pair walked up to me and ate cracked corn out of the feeder for the other ducks. I have many close up digital pictures. Looks like they might stay awhile.
ReplyDeleteHi I just saw 2 egyptian geese Here in PA and took thier picture. I couldnt figure out what they were! It was driving me crazy. But I finally came across a picture and sure enough this is what they were. I live in Douglassville,Pa I saw them 1/21/09 & 1/22/09
ReplyDeleteThere is a pair of Egyptian Geese in Davie, Fl near the JCC. We have seen them several times. Once we saw them with 6 goslings. I have tried to get close to take pictures, but they move.
ReplyDeleteAbout 2 weeks ago a pair landed and have stayed at our pond keeping mallards and a swan company. We're in Exeter Township, Berks County.
ReplyDeleteTexas sighting. We have a pair that have showed up each year since 2004 at our ranch. Always wondered what they were. This year they were spotted on our pond with 6 babies. We are feeding and taking pictures as of 3/7/09.
ReplyDeleteI just saw 3 brightly colored Egyptian Geese and 1 white one on the grounds of the Lawrenceville School, NJ. Went back to see them again tonite but they were gone. Absolutely stunning looking birds!
ReplyDeleteSorry, Lawrenceville, NJ sighting was on 3/8/2009
ReplyDelete3/9/09 I live in Dana Point, CA about 1/2 mile from Doheny State Beach. I walk over there most mornings -- a couple of weeks ago I saw three birds I had never seen before. I watched them for awhile, they were very docile, just eating grass and ignoring me. I asked the Rangers if they knew what kind of birds they were, and finally one came up with Egyptian Geese. On my walk this morning I saw two of them grazing on the grass in the park across from the beach. They are beautiful birds and I really enjoy watching them. When I got home I Googled Egyptian Geese and sure enough, the photo was dead-on! In reading the other postings, I see there are babies hatching in Texas -- I hope they do the same here! Maggie Pichette, Dana Point, California
ReplyDeleteI live in Durham, North Carolina. This morning, 3/28/09, we photographed a single Egyptian goose on the pond behind our house, a fairly urban environment where we normally only have mallards and Canada Geese. We also got to hear th goose make a very distinctive sound, generally in response to dogs. I hope it stays with us, it is strikingly marked and a beautiful bird!
ReplyDeleteI have been watching and photographing a lone Egyptian goose all day today at a patch of vacant land near a shopping center in SW Durham,NC. I wonder if it is the same one Anita saw.The goose has flown away and returned to the same spot a number of times today.
ReplyDeleteWe have a pair of Egyptian Geese that hangs around our yard in Lake Granbury, Texas! They are very tame and allow photos within twenty feet. 5/13/09
ReplyDeleteFour Egyptian geese came to the Neckar River in Heidelberg, Germany (where I live) last fall (around November 2008). They live separately from the Canadian geese population and stay about 200 meters downstream from them. The four never walk or hang out together, only the two pairs being together separately. I believe they nest at least 50 meters or so away from eachother. I read that the females and males do not differ in their plumage, which is also true for these two pairs. Both sets of parents have new goslings about two weeks ago. One pair has five, and the other only has two now. I am curious to how many of these birds are in Germany. Does anyone have an idea?
ReplyDeleteTwo Egyptian geese spotted today near my yard on Lake LBJ, Tx. I got pretty close to them and took a picture as I had never see any bird with the pink legs. So glad to have the internet to verify the beautiful birds. 5/27/09
ReplyDeleteOn the 10 May I saw a pair around the retention pond at Walnut Creek Housing sub-division on Taft in Pembroke Pines.it was so amazing that I took pictures.It is the first time I have seen these birds.They still visit from time to time.I thought they were lost.
ReplyDeleteI saw an Egyption Goose amongst Canadian Geese in Apponaug Cove in Rhode Island on Sunday May 31st, 2009. Being from Africa I am very familiar with these birds and was very suprised to see one so far from its native habitat.
ReplyDeleteWe saw an Egyptian goose in Dane Co. WI and took pictures to identify it as it was very unusual. I hope we see it again. It was standing in the shallows along the Yahara River.
ReplyDeleteThere is a semi-domesticated flock of egytian geese living on Key Biscayne in Crandon Park in the area where the old zoo used to be.It's called Crandon Gardens now. The birds can be seen flying all over the park, but remain at the park as there is a lady who feeds them and all the other birds that live there,including sandhill cranes, domestic geese and swans, plus chickens and turkeys and a lot of peacocks. It's a very nice quiet place to visit, but watch out for the resident crocodile.
ReplyDeleteCurt Reik Loxahatchee,Fl
July 2009. We were vacationing at Canyon Lake in Texas. We were staying at an Inn on the CL Golf Course. A flock of 8-12 Egyptian geese showed up every morning looking for corn that we fed to the deer. I believe there were actually two different flocks of birds that visited.
ReplyDeleteI was at The Villages, Fl, taking pictures of ducks, ibis and a blue heron that usually hang out at a lake, when I saw 2 beautiful birds. I had never seen them before. I didn't know it at the time, but after doing my research, I found out that they are Egyptian Geese.
ReplyDeleteI will be posting pictures soon
I am also in Melbourne, Florida and I have a pair of these geese in my back yard at the canal. They have chased off most of the Muskovy ducks I feed and have tried to kill their babies. They are fascinating birds and I feel privileged to have them visiting me. They are mean though and have tried to attack my husband when he tried to stop them from attacking the baby ducks.
ReplyDeleteI think I have seen two today on a pond in rural Middle Tennessee. Red around eyes, pink legs and feet, white on belly, and brown patch down back. Are they in molt stage?
ReplyDeleteI live in a suburb of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and we have a pair of Egyptian Geese in the pond behind our house. We had no idea what they were as they are not listed in our Field Guide of Eastern US birds from the Nat'l Audobon Society. I emailed a very bird savvy friend the pictures I took and he informed me that they were Egyptian Geese. Wow! Long flight from Africa! We are enjoying them...they are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteSaw a single Egyptian goose at EPCOT (Orlando, FL) today, 12/12/09.
ReplyDeletean egyptian goose has been in our area for about 2 months. This is Ft. Myers Florida. We are in McGregor Woods and have a small lake. email gail at: daneg72@embarqmail.com if you are interested in viewing this bird.
ReplyDeleteWe have 2 in Granbury TX and presently have 4 eggs.
ReplyDeleteCanyon Lake, Tx - New Years 2010 - saw half a dozen Eqyptian Geese there, and was told there were a dozen there by a person who had been feeding corn to deer and geese. The geese would fly up to their RV each evening for their meal. Beautiful birds!
ReplyDeleteCraig and Terry
About a week ago we found a pair of these beautiful birds in our back yard. We have been amazed and crazy trying to find what kind they were. We would like to know the best food for them.
We live on the water in Marina Da Gama in Cape Town South Africa
ReplyDeleteThere are atleast 30+ egyptian geese close to where we live - they are agressive towards most other birds (mainly ducks; the odd koot); even each other - we have a pair (we suspect 1x male & 1x female - not sure how to tell - the one is always pecking at the other; we guess that's the female) and today one of them flew over the small fence near the water (we have a toddler) and started to attack our cats!!!
Has anyone else seen this agressive behaviour??
We live in the Hill Country of Texas, specifically New Braunfels. We see a group of Egyptian Geese in our area year-round, sometimes numbering a dozen or more at one time. Yesterday two geese strolled past our home herding 7 goslings! Very sweet family.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised to hear of these birds' aggressive behavior. I haven't witnessed that at all, as they seem to coexist with the muscovies, herons, ibis and others in our backyard here in Hollywood Fl. They do have a loud, raucous call, and are beautiful as many have mentioned. I couldn't identify them until my neighbor, who is well-travelled, told me. Stop shooting them. T Carroll
ReplyDeleteI spotted 2 of them by our river in Pekin, IL. I didn't know what they were but they were so very striking I took a picture and asked a friend who knows about birds. He identified them as Egyptian geese and the pictures are spot on. They haven't been aggressive that I've seen and they have been here for a few weeks with a group of Canada geese.
ReplyDeleteI've had another sighting in Dana Point, California. On Friday 4/2/10 there were five birds resting in the lagoon area just off Doheny State Beach. I watched them for quite awhile -- two ducks came strolling by and got close to the Egyptian geese, and all five took flight. I haven't seen them since. Before Friday, my first sighting was here in Dana Point in 2008. I was thrilled to see them again! Maggie Pichette, Dana Point, California
ReplyDeleteApril 14, 2010
ReplyDeleteWe have one Egyptian Goose on our lake in the Iona McGregor area of Fort Myers, FL. He sits on the bank and co-exists with the Herons, Ibis, Mallards, etc. Just before dark, he swims to the other side of the Lake. Very beautiful.
There were 2 Egyptian Geese in the lake in back of the church in Spanish Springs, The Villages, Fl. Now there are 5! They are so pretty and they don't seem to be aggressive as I heard.
ReplyDeleteOne of these beautiful birds has recently taken up residence at our community pond in Katy, Texas (west of Houston). He is trying to befriend the local ducks, and only one oddball duck will hang out with him. He is not nasty or viscous, as I have seen this breed described. He does occasional honk at or chase the other ducks, but doesn't attack. He doesn't chase people, either, as I have known many geese do. He is absolutely stunning!
ReplyDeletei live in tamarac florida and have been watching these two beautiful ducks in my backyard(i live on a canal.i have spent several hours trying to find out what they are.they are egyptian geese!
ReplyDeleteI saw a pair on a lake in Coral Spring, FL. on Monday, August 30, 2010. They are beautiful. They left overnight because they were'nt there on Tuesday. Are they migratory?
ReplyDeleteWe live in Tamarac also and watch these behind our home daily! They are amazing and sound like raptors from Jurassic park when they speak!
ReplyDeleteand please dont' shoot birds!
ReplyDeleteI had a pair of Egyptian Geese on my pond 16 miles east of Seguin TX on Dec 12. They sat on the dock before they eventually flew off headed South. I thought they had escaped from the San Antonio Zoo before I saw all of these postings. They seem to be everywhere. Magnificant birds. I hope no one shoots them BJK- Seguin,TX
ReplyDeleteWe have two Eyptian geese that have taken up residence with us in Magnolia, TX. We live on a small lake and I feed corn to the wild birds and squirrels. I sat down and lifted the blinds to get some good pictures, and these two geese came up to the patio, jumped up and walked over to have a look at me! Very beautiful birds that are co-existing with many whistling ducks, geese, etc. No aggression seen yet. 12/26/2010
ReplyDeletethere are two here in hollywood,fl they have been here for about 3 weeks on the lake. i was wondering what they were now i know. neat duck
ReplyDeleteToday,03/06/2011,we saw a pair of Egyptian Geese for the 1st time at Cypresswood and 1960 Spring, Tx. They are beautiful we looked on the internet for hours to find out what they were. The Ancient Egyptians considered them Sacred.
ReplyDeleteSaw an Egyptian Goose in Beaufort SC today. It was with some Canadian Geese in a Wal-mart detention pond.
ReplyDeletewe have a pair of egyption geese hanging out here in hollywood, florida. was surprised to hear of the origin.
ReplyDeleteSaw what could possibly be an Egyptian goose pair on the side of Amwell Road (County Rt 514) in Neshanic, NJ just past the intersection of 514 and 567. Never saw anything like them, looked online and this was the closest match. Beautiful birds!
ReplyDeleteEgyptian Geese at South Shore Park in The Woodlands, TX. There's maybe 4 - 6 of them including some juveniles. Beautiful birds.
ReplyDeleteToday, in the heart of London,I was delighted to see 2 Egyptian geese sitting on our pontoon, about 2 feet away from us.At the moment, they are bobbing about on the small lake surrounding our house.We hope they choose to rest here for at least one breeding season!
ReplyDeleteThree Egyptian Geese 80 miles east of El Paso, Texas, May 7, 2011. In a flooded field at Mc Nary, Texas.
Began as captive birds in private lakes in Norfolk
ReplyDeleteNow sighted up stream from London to the west on river Thames; non tidal parts
henly and this year 2 breeding pairs at staines where i see them from my balcony.
great fliers \\jbzola
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehave never seen this goose before. They are very distict and beautiful. I have a pair in my back yard in Tamarac Florida. I did not find them to be aggresive to either me, my dog or nearby muscovy ducks in the water behind my house.
ReplyDeleteI just saw one yesterday in Dallas County, Texas.
ReplyDeleteDecember 19, 2012,
ReplyDeleteWe have at least a dozen egyptian geese in our neighborhood east of Seguin TX. They are on both sides of the road and we have to stop to let them cross. Beautiful birds.
I am also in Seguin, TX, and have never seen these geese before. We live in our motorhome full time and travel the country. These birds are beautiful and extremely friendly. There are three in the RV park we are currently staying in.
ReplyDeleteWe live in Boynton Beach,Fl on a golf course.Three unusual looking ducks/geese showed up for the Christmas weekend.They have been identified as Egyptian Geese.They can be approached on the golf course within about 30 ft and then move away on foot or into the water for safety.A very pretty bird
ReplyDeleteThere's an Egyptian Goose that flew into the Millbrook Zoo in Millbrook, New York from who knows where. The Egyptian Goose is living happily and being fed daily along with the shelducks, mallards, bar-headed geese, and white-naped cranes kept by the zoo.
ReplyDeleteThere's an Egyptian Goose dwelling in the Millbrook Zoo in Millbrook, New York. It flew in from who knows where. It lives with the shelducks, bar-headed geese, and White-Naped Cranes kept by the zoo.
ReplyDeleteThere's an egyptian goose living in a pond at a zoo in Millbrook, New York that flew in from who knows where. It lives with a flock of shelducks that are kept and fed daily by the zoo.
ReplyDeleteThere's an egyptian goose living in a pond at a zoo in Millbrook, New York that flew in from who knows where. It lives with a flock of shelducks that are kept and fed daily by the zoo.
ReplyDeleteThere's an egyptian goose living in a pond at a zoo in Millbrook, New York that flew in from who knows where. It lives with a flock of shelducks that are kept and fed daily by the zoo.
ReplyDeleteI saw three this morning in Pipersville Bucks County, PA and have some decent iphone shots.
ReplyDeleteI guess they are taking over the US, because we have several pairs (maybe 30-40) on Arroyo Trabuco Golf course in Mission Viejo, Southern California. This is the 3rd year they have been there.
ReplyDeletePleased to confirm we have one hanging out with the flock of Canadian geese that stay at our pond.
ReplyDeleteShawnee, OK
Just like others, took a little while googling to figure out what they were and sure enough, Egyptian Geese. They landed in our yard/ pond about 5 or 6 weeks ago, 5 of them, and every day a couple fly off while one stays and then they all come back at night. They roam our yard with other ducks and chickens. Only showed aggresion towards a couple of ducks that were given to us yesterday, not bad, just followed them around pond for about an hour or so, then backed off. Beautiful Creatures. Santa Fe, TX.
ReplyDeleteThere has been a pair of Egyptian Geese for the last few days and I just saw them again 10 minutes ago at the Central Park Lake in Huntington Beach, California. One mile inland from the ocean and one mile south of the Bolsa Wetlands. They are beautiful! I hope they stay a while. This small little lake supports mallards, coots, cormorants, pied-billed grebes, blue Heron, Canadian geese and other water fowl.
ReplyDeleteI live in South Florida... South Eeast Florida. Just north of Ft. Lauderdale. I was at work today and was visiting the local lake and the ducklings i have watched grow up, and I saw something new. A tall "duck" that i have NEVER seen before. I took several pictures and looked it up online and found out it is, in fact, an Egyptian Goose! Beautiful bird! So I wanted to let you know, they are in South Florida as well! :) Are they native to North America? Are they considered an invasve species? I am quite interested.
ReplyDeleteI'm new to south Florida and have been enjoying all the birds around the golf course with its lake and canals. I'm especially attracted to the gorgeous pair of 'Egyptian Geese I see on my walks; I talk to them & tell them how beautiful they are - but the last to evenings when I see them, they are kind of mean. I figure they have eggs now, so I don't go too near, but the male will go quite far out of his way to follow me in a menacing way. Yesterday he flew up over me and swooped down right in front of me and stared at me. I just kept slowly walking along my way and he finally dropped it. They have also had major confrontations with another pair that tried to move into the territory - but after hours of sandpaper-yelling and facing off, the other pair gave up. I love the beautiful geese and hope they have lots of babies.
ReplyDeleteLive in Rowan Co., NC and this morning (12/3/13)learned I had a new Egyptian Goose neighbor. Based on the vocal sound it was a male, alone and actually looked lost. Wonder how long he'll hang around because I'm not near water but rather a farm.
ReplyDeleteWe had a pair in our neighborhood in Beaufort, SC. The male (I think it was the male) was killed. The female comes twice a day to our house for food...very friendly. We'd like to find her a mate.
ReplyDeleteWe have a pair of these beautiful geese in Hollywood FL. Since we live in an oak preserve and have a lovely park down the street they are welcome addition to our neighborhood. I walked right up to them this morning and they seem to have no fear of humans. Hope this is not a bad thing for these pretty creatures.