Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Fasnacht Birding

Fueled by an excess of fasnachts (or perhaps to keep myself from having another!), I took a walk down to the creek at work and was able to pick up a couple new species for my 2008 BIGBY List--American Black Duck and Hooded Merganser. The merganser pair were the first ones I've seen on the property at work, so a nice sighting on my afternoon break.

Daily List: 42 species (210% of Bird RDA)
2008 List: 221 species
BIGBY List: 49 species

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

    It appears that fastnacht are somewhat similar to paczkis, the local delicacy. We had neither in Virginia where I grew up so they are a special treat.

    Alas, no new birds for the list.
