Saturday, March 22, 2008

BIGBY Fox Sparrow

A somewhat shortened morning walk today, with snow falling in huge flakes that disintegrated upon hitting the paved hike and bike path. Without a huge amount of time, I only went two miles, but checked out a side path I never take. Since it had a lot of multiflora rose bushes along the path, I hoped there might be a Fox Sparrow there, since they are moving through right now, and sure enough I was able to spot one--first flying away and then perched up for a good look.


Perhaps the most mysterious thing today were two flocks of 20+ Blue Jays all calling and hanging out together in the trees. I never did really figure out what was up with that!

Day List: 29 species (145% of Bird RDA)
2008 List: 287 species
BIGBY List: 60 species

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