Saturday, April 12, 2008

Palm Saturday

After torrential rains last night, there were at least 3 Palm Warblers (a new BIGBY bird) on my walk early this morning. Also a singing Field Sparrow. 27 species (135% of Bird RDA). Spring is in the air.


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I got my first and only Palm Warbler of the year so far when I looked out my kitchen window and saw one on the Maple Tree over the deck. I wonder if I should start a BIFH list? (Birds Identified From (the) House). I'm sure there are other birders who already do!

  2. Glad the Warblers and Sparrows are back. Through in a Swallow or two and spring is upon us! It's 85F in NJ today - WOW!
