Tuesday, January 20, 2009

If Obama were a bird...

...what kind of bird would he be? Ideas?


  1. Great question, and without careful thought I can't come up with one. I just posted a different angle on birds and the presidency at my blog, wondering what the significance of a Sharpie landing in our yard during the transition of power might mean. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them!

    I'll nominate a bird that represents President Obama after some serious consideration. Interesting exercise!

  2. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Would have to be something amazing like an Eagle or something!

  3. Amazing...but cool and collected. Eagles seem more high strung to me. Maybe something mas tranquilo...a Swainson's Hawk maybe? Admittedly not very flashy, but cool and collected for sure.

  4. I'd think a Crow NOT because of the color but because of the intelligence and cunning and the guts to go against the eagles and hawks.

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    A Raven. Resourceful, intelligent, and playful. It also has a far larger vocabulary than the majority of other species.

  6. I am partial to corvids, especially crows for their intelligence, their sense of community and their loyalty to family and flock. They are clever, industrious and good orators; great sense of humor, too.

  7. Anonymous12:57 AM

    The intelligence of a raven...

  8. I don't know much about birds, but it would have to be a bird that I didn't know at all and needed to study before I could classify him.
    The data is trickling in... -DJ

  9. Anonymous1:54 AM

    He already has turned out to be a vulture and his fellow vultures are building their nests to WAHSINGTON D.C.
