Thursday, April 16, 2009

Birding Benrath Schloss in Düsseldorf

Benrath Schloss, a big pink palace
in southern Düsseldorf is a great spot, but maybe not the birdiest set of grounds in mid-April. Lots of Chiffchaffs singing, a Blackcap, and the ever-present tits. Did add Song Thrush to the trip list there, and enjoyed watching a Wren shaking its wings in defense of its territory, and the courtship display of the Great Tits. Otherwise, mostly a big reflecting pool--complete with Greylag Goose, Mute Swan, and Great Cormorant. There weren't any Tufted Ducks there today (there were over a dozen last week), so had to settle for a couple Canada Goose, an Egyptian Goose, and a Moorehen.

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