Monday, November 08, 2010

Barry White--Serious Bird Lover

Found this 1979 Ebony article where crooner Barry White talks about his love for air (birds), water (fish), and earth (horses). At the time of the interview he had a 480 gallon saltwater aquarium, $1.5 million in horses, and birds including cockatoos.

So, Barry White. Bird Lover. Who knew?

Anybody know any good Barry White bird tunes?


  1. No but I bet he could sweet talk them right out of the trees. LOL

    Glad I found your blog via Dawn Fine. I look forward to following.

    Visit me at my Nature Blog.

    Craig Glenn

  2. Hee hee.. Barry a Bird Lover..of course
    This is one of his Birdie songs..

    Can't Get Enough Of Your feathers, Birds
