Sunday, October 23, 2011

Focus on Diversity Birding Conference Video

Yesterday I got to spend the day with some quality folks at John Heinz NWR as we discussed how to promote birding among traditionally non-birding ethnic groups in the U.S.  It was a great event, and I've got more to say on this later.  But you can enjoy the event yourself right here on this blog, since the USFWS filmed the whole thing!

(BTW, I show up briefly on camera at 23:43 in the first video, warning panelist Paul Baicich on the left that his chair is about to topple off the stage!)

Morning Session

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Afternoon Breakout

Watch live streaming video from r5broadcasts at

Second Afternoon Breakout

Watch live streaming video from r5broadcasts at

Afternoon Wrap-Up

Watch live streaming video from r5broadcasts at

At the very end of the last video I make a final brief appearance at 1:00:47 at the back of the room, walking to the right.  Since I'm stealthy and hard to spot, here's a screen shot!

While I've been promoting birding in Hispanic and African-American populations since at least 1998 starting with my work out at Hornsby Bend, I was here mostly just to listen.  And there was a lot of great stuff to hear.  Thanks to Dave Magpiong and The Fledging Birders Institute for putting this on, and John Heinz NWR for hosting us.

1 comment:

  1. Would have loved to have participated in that. Hopefully, we will see more outreach from birding clubs to Latin and African American communities.
