Monday, March 19, 2012

First Chipping Sparrow of the Year

While hanging out at home today I noticed a small pale bird in the bushes, and it soon came in to my patio--my first Chipping Sparrow of the year.  Always fun to keep track of the birds you see each year, so you can celebrate seeing old friends like this after a winter absence.

Chipping Sparrow, Hunterdon Co, NJ, 19 March 2012, Nikon Cool Pix 500, f/5.7, 1/200 second, ISO -160.


  1. Charming bird, and handsome too, a real lady killer.

  2. Can't wait until Chippers get to Montana. Sometimes I think hear one, but it invariably turns out to be a Dark-eyed Junco, which isn't so bad either.

  3. Nothing beats a seasonal greeting from a loved feathered friend:)

  4. Congrats! I have been on a watch for one. No luck yet, just Song Sparrows.
