Then I stopped by the Rutgers Landscape & Nursery on Hwy 202 south of Flemington and picked up over 80 additional plant species, and got some more ideas for landscaping our yard.
Northern Bluet, Amwell Lake, Hunterdon, NJ |
Autumn Meadowhawk, Amwell Lake, Hunterdon, NJ |
I only have a few more days in the month, and new species are harder to get all the time. Looks like I need to plan on more than just the Rosemont College biodiversity class field trip on Saturday to put me over the top!
Total Cumulative Species: 906+
New Species
Blue-headed Vireo | Vireo solitarius |
Puffball | Bovista pila |
Autumn Meadowhawk | Sympetrum vicinum |
Eastern Pondhawk | Erythemis simplicicollis |
European Honey Bee | Apis mellifera |
Northern Bluet | Enallagma annexum |
Adam's Needle | Yucca filamentosa |
American Holly | Ilex opaca |
American Sweetgum | Liquidambar styraciflua |
American Willow | Salix discolor |
Arkansas Blue Star | Amsonia hubrichtii |
Autumn Joy | Hylotelephium telephium |
Black Tupelo | Nyssa sylvatica |
Blue Pacific Juniper | Juniperus conforta |
Butterfly Blue | Scabiosa columbaria |
Carpathian harebell | Campanula carpatica |
Cheddar Pink | Dianthus gratianopolitanus |
Cinnamon Fern | Osmundastrum cinnamomeum |
Common Holly | Ilex aquifolium |
Cotoneaster Cranberry | Cotoneaster apiculatus |
Crape Myrtle | Lagerstroemia indica |
Curve-leaf Yucca | Yucca gloriosa |
Darley Heath | Erica × darleyensis |
Dense Blazing Star | Liatris spicata |
Deutzia Hydrangea | Deutzia gracilis |
European Hornbeam | Carpinus betulus |
Flowering Dogwood | Cornus florida |
Fountain Grass | Pennisetum alopecuroides |
Foxglove Beard Tongue | Penstemon digitalis |
Fraser's Photinia | Photinia x fraseri |
Garden Catmint | Nepeta racemosa |
Gold Flame Honeysuckle | Lonicera x heckrotti |
Green Osier Dogwood | Cornus alternifolia |
Honey Locust | Gleditsia triacanthos |
Hosta | Hosta sieboldiana |
Hydrangea | Hydrangea petiola |
Hydrangea anomala | Hydrangea anomala |
Japanese Anemone | Anemone tomentosa |
Japanese Flowering Crabapple | Malus floribunda |
Japanese Forest Grass | Hakonechloa macra |
Japanese Lilac | Syringa reticulata |
Japanese Snowball | Viburnum plicatum |
Japanese Stewartia | Stewartia pseudocamellia |
Japanese Stonecrop | Sedum makinoi |
Japanese Wisteria | Wisteria floribunda |
Korean Sun Pear | Pyrus fauriei |
Large-flowered Tickseed | Coreopsis grandiflora |
Maiden Grass | Miscanthus sinensis |
Mediteranean Fan Palm | Chamaerops humiilis |
Mexican Evening Primrose | Oenothera berlandieri |
Montauk Daisy | Nipponanthemum nipponicum |
Mountain Cornflower | Centaurea montana |
Nandina | Nandina domestica |
Pampas Grass | Saccharum ravennae |
Persian Ironwood | Parrotia persica |
Pin Oak | Quercus palustris |
Prague Viburnum | Viburnam x praganse |
Purple Willow | Salix purpurea |
Red Carpet | Sedum spurium |
Red Horse Chestnut | Aesculus x carnea |
Redvein Enkianthus | Enkianthus campanulatus |
Rose Mallow | Hibiscus moscheutos |
Rosy Tickseed | Coreopsis rosea |
Russian Sage | Perovskia atriplicifolia |
Seaside Goldenrod | Solidago sempervivens |
Short's Goldenrod | Solidago shortii |
Showy Stonecrop | Hylotelephium spectabile |
Siberian Bugloss | Brunnera macrophylla |
Siberian Iris | Iris siberica |
Silver Lime | Tilia tomentosa |
Sneezeweed | Helenium x coppelia |
Snow-in-Summer | Cerastium tormentorum |
Solomon's Seal | Polygonatum multiflorum |
South American Elephant Grass | Miscanthus sinensis |
Spindle | Euonymus fortunei |
Sugar Maple | Acer saccharum |
Sullivant's Coneflower | Rudbeckia speciosa |
Swamp White Oak | Quercus bicolor |
Tropical Mandevilla | Mandevilla sp. |
Violet | Viola etain |
Virginia Knotweed | Persicaria virginiana |
Weeping Willow | Salix babylonica |
Weigela Florida | Weigela florida |
White Snakeroot | Ageratina altissima |
Windmill Palm | Trachycarpus fortunei |
Winterberry | Ilex verticillata |
Wood Oats | Chasmanthium latifolium |
Your bluet is a Familiar (Enallagma civile). Northern is early season.