Thursday, January 01, 2015

2015 Backyard Big Year Kickoff

12 hours of birding in the cold got me more than just frozen toes--I was able to find 36 species in the yard, including 3 new for my yard list.  See a more detailed report here.  I'll be posting daily updates on my Backyard Big Year blog and Backyard Big Year Facebook page.

Most of the more unusual yard birds were too far away to get photos, but I did get images of a lot of the more common bird residents.

Carolina Wren on my patio--Day 1 of the 2015 Backyard Big Year


  1. 36! I'm not sure we can currently see that many birds in our entire county. Well done!

  2. hai..i am faiz..i breeze through your blog and find it quite interesting.well actually i am googling to find out sound of birds flying in the neighbourhood currently that make annoying distinctive calls.i wonder if you could help me identify it.i recorded the sound in MP4 video's the link

    i live in Malaysia btw.It will huge help if i can know the species.tq.:)
