Friday, May 12, 2017

Where I've Been

I've been A.W.O.L. here at the Birdchaser blog for over a year.  Most of my social media time is now on Facebook.  I post most of my bird photos and sightings on my personal profile.

But you can also join a couple of new Facebook birding groups I've started.  I'll be back here more frequently, but check out these groups and hope to hang out with you there on Facebook as well.

20 Bird Minimum Daily Requirement--this one's to share the challenge of finding at least 20 bird species every day, even when you don't have time for "official" birding.

Yard Birding--this one is for taking your backyard birdwatching to the next level, bringing hard core birding to your yard, balcony, or patio.

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