Saturday, December 04, 2004

Long-tailed Duck

After my owl workshop, I took my kids up to the ponds at Hornsby Bend to look for a possible Greater Scaup that had been reported there. I wasn’t convinced the scaup wasn’t the more common Lesser Scaup, but was able to see the Long-tailed Duck again—this rare arctic duck has been hanging out at the ponds for two weeks. There were other birders there, and I was able to find it for them from across the pond. Lots of more common ducks there—Ruddy Ducks, Northern Shovelers, Blue-winged Teal, Green-winged Teal, Northern Pintail, Gadwall, Buffleheads, and one locally uncommon stunning male Cinnamon Teal. Hornsby Bend is a great place for wintering waterfowl, and it was a joy to spend an hour just watching the various ducks.

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