Tuesday, March 14, 2006

New Yard Bird--Fish Crow

Before I tackled the plumbing this morning, I actually had another nice bird sighting at my house--a Fish Crow being chased by four American Crows. Fish Crows are slightly smaller cousins of American Crows, and in this part of the world they wander about a bit early in the spring before settling into their more riverine nesting areas. As I was taking out the garbage this morning I heard the lower, harsher call of a Fish Crow, and looked up to see it call again, while being chased by the American Crows. I can only suspect that the local American Crow family wasn't too thrilled to have this interloping cousin cruise through their territory. I, on the other hand, was more than happy to see it in my yard and to add it to my growing new yard bird list.

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