Tuesday, March 07, 2006

When Grackles Rock

Most people don't like grackles. They are common, loud, and can clean out a bird feeder in no time flat. But today, I love them...at least the three Common Grackles that flew over my new house, becoming the first grackles for my yard list. Same for the 15 Red-winged Blackbirds that flew over. This morning, while cleaning off my new back porch, I had 16 species in my tiny little rowhouse backyard. I'm already dreaming of putting in a small stream, more native bushes, and maybe some raspberries. Birds and raspberries, yum!


  1. So good to read a kind word about the noble grackle! May they long bless your yard.

  2. Here in Salt Lake City, I've seen a total of one Common Grackle--about 15 years ago. Needless to say, I LOVE grackles.
