Monday, May 15, 2006

Birdchaser Birdathon

On Friday and Saturday I went birding to help raise some money for the Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association. This is the second year I've helped with this birdathon, and its a lot of fun. We found 80 species on Friday, and had some good birds including Mourning Warbler and Nashville Warbler. The Mourning Warbler was a first for the entire birdathon, and none of the other seven teams found a Nashville Warbler, so it was a lot of fun. Great to see 17 warbler species, as well as Scarlet Tanagers, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and other migrants. But, good to know that every species we found raised $30 for the watershed association and their efforts to protect land in these neighborhoods northwest of Philadelphia. We visited several properties that they have been able to protect, and the birds are obviously much better for their efforts.

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