Monday, June 26, 2006

Peace Valley in the rain

Saturday I took a group of 15 cubscouts and leaders out to find birds at Peace Valley and it poured down rain the entire time. Fortunately, there were still plenty of birds visiting the feeders at the bird blind--so the kids got good close looks at Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Blue Jay, Downy Woodpecker, and a dozen other species. Then, down at the bridge, we saw a dozen more birds, including Great Blue Heron and a moulting and flightless but stunning male Common Merganser. Unfortunately, the Osprey was about a mile away perched in a tree--too far to really even scope it well for the kids, even if I hadn't left my scope in the car due to the rain. All in all, about 25 species and a lot of fun in the rain, with some birds, and a few minutes teaching kids how to pull out invasive exotic garlic mustard!

1 comment:

  1. Eeeewww! Ticks!!! I was so sorry to hear about this, and I hope you feel better soon! It's enough to make a girl never want to go outside again!

    Again, feel better soon!
