Monday, August 21, 2006

Audubon Leadership Workshop on Hog Island

Arriving at Hog Island for the Audubon Leadership Workshop for Audubon chapter leaders, it was good to be back in the land of the Black Guillemot and Common Eider. These birds are fairly common close to shore here, and we saw dozens of them on the short boat tour on our first morning at the camp. We also got good looks at a Bald Eagle nest, as well as an Osprey nest, and diving Common Loons. Hog Island has a lot of great birds, and I spotted 63 species during the week, missing several others seen by workshop participants when I wasn't around--like when I was tanking up on the amazing homemade dishes served at every meal! Fresh air, spectacular scenery, great food, fantastic birds, good that's a recipe for a good time--especially when you get the discounted Audubon rate! The Audubon Leadership Workshop may be the best kept secret in Audubon.

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