Monday, August 21, 2006


I just got back from a week in Maine (details forthcoming), and wasn't able to check online before I drove home...which is why I drove right past the $^@& Western Reef Heron that is being seen just off I-95 at Kittery Point in southern Maine. About once a year I miss a super spectacular bird by not being plugged in 24-7. Ouch! (photo: Surfbirds)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I missed the same bird for the same reason. Maybe there should be some kind of alert system with beepers and a central monitoring team...

    I also meant to stop at Scarborough Marsh as we drove through Portland to look for the sparrows, but the kids were doing so well that we didn't want to upset the mood. When transporting little ones on a 450 mile road trip, there is no place for frivolities like birding and bathroom breaks.
