Thursday, October 12, 2006

Macaw Mountain Bird Park, Copan, Honduras

Last month when I was in Honduras, I was able to tour the incredible Macaw Mountain Bird Park in Copan. Macaw Mountain hosts dozens of Central American parrots in outdoor flight cages along a scenic creek valley in a tropical forest. The birds are mostly abandoned pets that are too acclimated to people to be released into the wild. It was great to see these birds, and to at the conclusion of the tour to interact with some of the birds as well. You can feed toucans and aracaris, as well as hold parrots and macaws. Its like a petting zoo for adults. Macaw Mountain does a valuable service in educating Hondurans about their local birds, and they provide a home for birds in need. If you are lucky enough to make it to Copan, swing by for a nice tour and enjoy the birds.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Yay, pictures of Rob! (I really like your new banner, by the way).

    Like I say, I know not much about birds, but I've always really liked Macaws! Looks like you've been having a lot of fun lately!

    BTW, I did see that the news on the rare bird in Columbia. It was a cute one!
