Monday, January 29, 2007

Great Backyard Bird Count is coming

The Great Backyard Bird Count is coming February 16-19. This is maybe my favorite time of year at work, as I get to help line up regional reviewers to help us review unusual sightings from around the country. This year I've found reviewers to covers some states and provinces where we haven't had reviewers in the past. The last two years that I've been helping behind the scenes with the count we've been able to break new records in the total number of species reported. So I have my work cut out for me trying to line up people to go out and make sure we see some of the more unusual birds in North America (and Hawaii) during President's Day weekend. If you know where you can see a Yellow-billed Loon or Gunnison Sage Grouse that weekend, make your plans now and you can be a hero! Or better yet, go birding in Hawaii and find us some of those great native Hawaiian forest birds!

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