Monday, April 16, 2007

Loony Weather

Howling winds, sleet, and snow all night--but only a small change in birds at Peace Valley on my way into work this morning. The Snow Goose that has been there for months was at the flooded boat ramp (water is very high right now). Other than that, seven Common Loons, three Double-crested Cormorants, two Common Mergansers, and one Ruddy Duck were all that I could see out on the lake from the south side. Lots of Tree and Northern Rough-winged Swallows flying low over the lake.


  1. Hi Birdchaser. I've got a photograph of a duck that I took in the Everglades. I don't know what kind it is. Can you help?

  2. Anonymous8:43 PM

    This weather sure does mix up the birds but I love when the weather brings in the loons! Love your title!

  3. Email me the photo and I'll see what I can do!

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