Friday, November 16, 2007

Project Feeder Watch

Back in the office its the first week of our annual participation in Project FeederWatch. We count the highest number of each species we can see at any given time during the two day count period every other week, and report the results to the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. During the count today I was rewarded with our first ever for our office count Pine Siskin. Last Sunday when I stopped by the office to grab some stuff, I'd seen twelve of these guys on the feeder, but apparently they hadn't come back this week. Nice to see at least one of them stop in for our count. For more information on how you can participate in the count, check out the Project FeederWatch Website. Guaranteed to bring you good bird karma!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:58 PM

    The first week of Project FeederWatch brought a substantial windstorm to our area. I still recorded a few birds but not nearly what I would have expected during that period. This next count day pair should be more representative.
