Monday, February 04, 2008

Every birder's worst nightmare

Very sad, story here.


  1. Just horrible... When I first read this story, the version I saw said it was found by "some people observing nature." I said to myself, "I bet they're birders." A friend of mine found a corpse of a homeless person once while birding. I can't imagine...

  2. Horrible! Definitely not something I needed to read today.

  3. In all my years of birding, I've always felt it my duty to check out every dead animal smell I encounter, just in case. Fortunately, nothing like this has happened to me.

    I may have come close one time, though. One year when I was in high school, there was a search for a missing woman going on in my area of the Portland Oregon Christmas Bird Count. Dozens of people roaming around in Oaks Bottom while I was counting birds. As I left the area in the evening to go to the countdown, I saw the searchers bringing the body bag up the hill.

    Surprisingly, a Google search for "birdwatchers find body" turned up almost nothing. Hopefully none of us will have to experience something like this.

  4. I hope I never come across something like that while out birding.
