Wednesday, May 28, 2008

More on the porch

How many people take vacation days just to hang out on their porch? Work in the garden? Not drive if at all possible?

Apparently, I do. I get a fair amount of travel in with my work, but not enough time to do stuff around the house.

So this week I'm off, and not doing a whole lot.

Before tackling the garden, while hanging out on the back porch, I got my 20 bird RDA in about 15 minutes. Best bird was a female American Kestrel, a new yard bird and 2008 BIGBY bird, sailing by in the brisk morning breeze.

The House Sparrows are really loving all the bare dirt in my dug-up yard, dust bathing and chasing each other around. The local Song Sparrow pops in now and again to check out the wreckage of all the weeds. And while I couldn't get a Turkey Vulture to save my life yesterday, this morning several were soaring around down by the playground, and a family of crows was chasing a Red-tailed Hawk about half a mile away over at Lene Lennape Park.

1 comment:

  1. Those are my favorite kind of vacation days--the ones where you just stay home and do yardwork and spend the day outside.
