Thursday, June 26, 2008

Join the Birdchaser in Maine

I'm heading up to Maine this weekend with my family to help with the Family Birding Adventure at the Hog Island Audubon Camp. If work's getting you down, they can probably still make room for a couple more people up there next week.

I'll be back on Hog Island in August for the Audubon Chapter Leadership week (scroll through some of my past exploits up there in 2005, 2006, and 2007). If you are a chapter board member or committee chair, come on up and spend the week with us to learn more about how to use National Audubon programs and tools to help your chapter. If you aren't a member of an Audubon chapter, or a chapter leader, then the questions is why not? Birds and the environment need all the help they can get! If hanging out on an island in Maine and seeing breeding Atlantic Puffins isn't enough of an inducement, I don't know what else is!

Come on up to Maine, enjoy the soul and body satisfying setting and programs at Hog Island.

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