Monday, June 09, 2008

Little Egret

(photo: Howard Eskin)

Last night when we got back to PA from NC, we were a bit chagrined to find that a Little Egret had been seen on Saturday and Sunday just a few miles from where we had passed by on our return trip. So early this morning, we headed back down to Bombay Hook NWR in Delaware to search for the rare Eurasian wader.

We arrived shortly before 7am to find another birder already watching the bird in his scope. After a few minutes, the egret flew off, and we quickly relocated it in another pool, where we watched it shuffling its straw-colored feet in the water to scare up small fish.

A truly neat looking bird with its two long white feathers sticking out behind its head. A fitting end to a long weekend full of fantastic birds!

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