Friday, September 12, 2008

2008 Maya Bird Research Trip

With generous funding from Reitaku University in Japan, Mayan linguist Kerry Hull and I spent 17 days in Guatemala and Belize collecting Mopan, Q'eqchi', and Tz'utujil bird names and bird lore. A continuation of our previous research on Ch'orti' Mayan bird lore, this time we interviewed dozens of local residents and managed to get over 250 bird names, as well as over a hundred items of local bird lore, and several longer recordings of bird stories, which we will publish over the next couple of years. Here are links to my posts about various parts of our trip:

Birding Punta Gorda, Belize
Big Falls Lodge, Belize
Mopan Maya Deer Dance, San Antonio, Belize
Birding Blue Creek, Belize
Birding the Mopan Mayan Village of San Jose, Belize
Q'eqchi' and Mopan Maya Bird Traditions
Birding Lubaantun Mayan Ruins
Pygmy-Owl in Antigua
Bird Lore from Santiago Atitlan, the House of Birds
Birding San Pedro Volcano, Guatemala
Birding with Maximón
Birds on the Altar at Santiago Atitlan
Birding Hotel Bambu in Santiago Atitlan
Ghost of the Poc

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