Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Lodge at Big Falls, Belize

Our base of operations for our first few days in Belize was The Lodge at Big Falls. Almost 30 acres of secondary forest and nice bungalows. We saw more than 50 species right at the lodge over the few days we slept there--highlights being Black-and-White Owl, Mottled Owl, and Vermiculated Screech-Owl. The Black-and-White Owl comes out in the evening and calls from the edge of the forest near the swimming pool. We had up to three Mottled Owls calling from right behind our bungalow. We also added Collared Forest-Falcon to the property list. Lots of fun! If you go, ask for Steven their local birding guide. He's a young Q'eqchi' Mayan guy and great with the local birds.

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