Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How was your birding day?

Many of us keep year lists of all the birds we see each year--either in general, or for some specific location like North America, our home state, or maybe our home county or yard.  A few even keep monthly lists.  But how is your birding day by day?  Do you keep a day list?  If you do (and there are some good reasons to), or if you just want to highlight how well you did on your most recent day birding afield, now you can post a daily birding badge on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter to quickly share your latest birding feats.  The birding badges are now online at Birding is Fun!

Go birding, post a daily birding badge, enjoy!

Me?  This morning I got a Great Horned Owl on a nest, American Kestrel, Pileated Woodpecker and a couple dozen birds more to surpass the 20 Bird Minimum Daily Requirement and give me a current total of 33 species, making mine a Bonus 30 Bird Day!

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