Wednesday, February 08, 2012

New Jersey Ross's Goose

This morning I got a text with a report of an immature Ross's Goose on Good Springs Road north of Asbury in Warren County, 20 minutes from my home.  I zipped over there and found the Senchers on the side of the road next to a pond covered with over 2,500 Snow Goose.  The young bird had flown, but they had just seen an adult Ross's Goose.  A few minutes later we relocated it on the far side of the pond.  Then it disappeared in among all the Snow Geese.  Five minutes later we refound it on our side of the pond.  We watched it and got some photos for a few minutes, then it disappeared again.  We looked for it for almost an hour without being able to relocate it.  Very frustrating, since when you get a good look at it, the bird is obviously smaller and distinct--but scanning the flock, it was somehow able to hide.  Anyway, here's the flock.  See if you can find the bird.

Can you see the bird now?

Here it is from the center of the shot above.
All photos shot with my HTC Incredible phone camera, the closeups are digibined through my Zeiss 7x42s.


  1. Nice bird! Ross's always seems to have a preference for the front edge of a loafing flock--mainly because the little rascals are invisible when they're even just a rank or two in.

  2. That one crazy crowded pond! It looks like seeing the Ross's Goose is like finding the needle in a haystack, a tree hidden in a forest.

    Well done!

  3. Nice! Hard to find in the crowd?!

  4. Would you be willing to give a little more detail as to the location of this pond?

  5. Second try, here's a map:
