Monday, March 05, 2012

February Monthly Birding Results

In February I continued my 1 a day eBird challenge by submitting 90 eBird checklists, including at least one for every day. I also got my 20 Bird MDR every day except for 3 days that I took as a Birding Shabbat.  In fact, I got 30 Bird Bonus Days on 12 days (as opposed to 11 such days in January), so there were a lot of days with a good number of birds.  I saw 90 bird species in February.  Highlights were the pelagic trip out of Cape May where I got my first ABA Dovekie, and we also saw Razorbill, Atlantic Puffin, Northern Fulmar, and Black-legged Kittiwake.  Local highlights included  Ross's Goose, Greater White-fronted Goose, Iceland Gull, Tundra Swan, displaying American Woodocks.

Even with driving over 300 miles to do the pelagic trip, I still ended the month with 918 miles of driving, down from January's 1168 miles, so that was good.  Since I took three days off to be with family, I ended up with a few fewer birds/day this month (25.3 down from 27), but all in all it was another good month.  I for sure saw a lot more birds than I would have if I wasn't going for my 20 Bird MDR every day and doing the 1 a day eBird challenge!

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