Monday, October 29, 2012

Hand Feeding Pine Siskins

While I was working in the yard getting ready for Hurricane Sandy, my daughter decided to try and hand feed the Pine Siskins that have been swarming our feeders for a couple of weeks.  At first she tried in her Halloween costume dress, then decided she would need to sit and wait it out in something more appropriate.

Pine Siskins can be quite approachable!

Close, but no takers yet

Come on, you know you want these sunflower seeds.

Settling in for a longer wait.
Success at last.  Pay no attention to the chipmunk.
All in all, over the course of about 20 minutes, she was able to get them to land in her hands three times before we had to get back to hurricane preparations.  Not a bad way to spend half an hour with dad, and the birds.


  1. Love it! She looks very happy!

  2. Wonderful! Reminds me of my sister feeding chickadees, back in the day. Photos to treasure :~)))

  3. Super, she must have been thrilled to be so close to the birds. Love the chipmunk also getting close
