Friday, February 08, 2013

Kevin Spacey...Birder?

Here's the evidence:


Click on the photo to enlarge. Yes, that's the Princeton Field Guide to The Parrots of the World that he's thumbing through!  Alas, it isn't a candid shot.  This is a still from the new made for Netflix series House of Cards.  But it was cool to see that book in the shot, and Gerald McRaney's character is a birder.  Spacey's character even accompanies him on a bird walk, though he is completely not into it.  

Kevin Spacey tagging along with Gerald McRaney on a bird walk.

And there you go...looks like he's had enough!
Looking not so thrilled to be out birding!
But in the end, the birds provoke at least a little interest!

At any rate, fun to see more pop culture birding references.

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