Monday, September 02, 2013

Running Tally: 30 Day 1000 Species Challenge

Here is my 2013 running species total for the 30 Day 1000 Species Challenge (last updated Sep 17)

Total Species: 526+

Domain BACTERIA--22
     "Kingdom PROTISTA"--2
           Phylum Rhodophyta--3
     Kingdom PLANTAE--190
     Kingdom FUNGI--20
     Kingdom ANIMALIA
          Phylum Chordata
               Class Aves (Birds)--81
               Class Reptilia--8
               Class Amphibia--5
               Class Mammalia--24
               "Class Pisces (Fish)"--86
          Phylum Arthropoda
               Class Insecta--30
               Class Chilopoda--1
               Class Diplopoda--1
               Class Arachnida--4
               Subphylum Crustacea--12
          Phylum Mollusca--11
               Class Gastropoda--1
          Phyllum Cnideria--20
          Phylum Annelida--1
          Phylum Echinodermata--1

Species List
English Name Scientific Name Date  Location
Argentine Horned (Pacman) Frog Ceratophrys ornata 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Australian Green Tree Frog Litoria caerulea 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Green Frog Rana clamitans 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Oriental Fire-bellied Toad Bombina orientalis 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Tomato Frog Dyscophus sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Earthworm Megadrilacea sp. 7-Sep-13 Rosemont College, PA
Chilean Rose Red Tarantula Grammostola cala 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Harvestmen/Daddy Longlegs Opiliones sp. 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Pinktoe Tarantula Avicularia avicularia 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Bamboo Shrimp Atyopsis moluccensis 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Blue Swimmer Crab Portunus pelagicus 14-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Carribean Hermit Crab Coenobita clypeatu 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Emperor Scorpion Pandinus imperator 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Blue Green Algae Cyanobacteria sp. 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Cheese bacteria Lactococcus lactis 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Fermenting Bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Fermenting Bacteria Streptococcus diacetilactis 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Ginger Beer Bacteria Saccharomyces florentinus 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Klamath Valley Blue-Green Algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Kombucha bacteria Gluconacetobacter xylinus 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
L. bulgaricas Lactobacillus delbrueckii 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
L. casei Lactobacillus casei 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus acidophilus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Limburger cheese smear bacteria Brevibacter linens 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
PB8 bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis 12-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
PB8 bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum 12-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
PB8 bacteria Lactobacillus salivarius 12-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
PB8 bacteria Bifidobacterium bifidum 12-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
PB8 bacteria Bifidobacterium longum 12-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
PB8 bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus 12-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Probiotic bacteria Bacillus coagulans 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
S. Thermophilus Streptococcus thermophilus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Spirulina Arthrospira sp. 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Swiss Cheese bacteria Propionibacter shermani 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Yoghurt Bacteria Leuconostoc mesenteroides 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
American Crow Corvus corax 1-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
American Goldfinch Carduelis tristis 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
American Kestrel Falco sparverius 10-Sep-13 Flemington, Hunterdon, NJ
American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla 5-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
American Robin Turdus migratorious 1-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula 4-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon 6-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Black Vulture Coragyps atratus 6-Sep-13 East Stroudsburg, PA
Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta varia 4-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Black-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus erythropthalmus 6-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Blackburnian Warbler Setophaga fusca 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Black-capped Chickadee Poecile atricapillus 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Black-throated Blue Warbler Setophaga caerulescens 6-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Black-throated Green Warbler Setophaga virens 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Blue-winged Warbler Vermivora cyanoptera 8-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater 4-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Canada Goose Branta canadensis 4-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis 11-Sep-13 Delaware Water Gap, NJ
Cape May Warbler Setophaga tigrina 10-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Carolina Chickadee Poecile carolinensis 7-Sep-13 Rosemont College, PA
Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Chestnut-sided Warbler Setophaga pensylvanica 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Chicken Gallus gallus domesticus 1-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Common Merganser Mergus merganser 13-Sep-13 Warren Co, NJ
Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor 1-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas 4-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii 10-Sep-13 Hunterdon, NJ
Double-crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus 4-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Eastern Screech-Owl Megascops asio 6-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Eastern Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Eastern Wood-Pewee Contopus virens 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
European Starling Sturnus vulgaris 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Field Sparrow Spizella pusilla 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Forster's Tern Sterna forsteri 10-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Gray Catbird Dumetella carolinensis 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Great Egret Ardea alba 14-Sep-13 Meadowlands, NJ
Green Heron Butorides virescens 17-Sep-13 Cold Springs Preserve, NJ
House Finch Haemorhous mexicanus 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
House Sparrow Passer domesticus 14-Sep-13 Yankee Stadium, Bronx, NY
House Wren Troglodytes aedon 10-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Killdeer Charadrius vociferus 9-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Least Flycatcher Empidonax minimus 4-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla 16-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Magnolia Warbler Setophaga magnolia 9-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 3-Sep-13 Demotts Pond, Hunterdon, NJ
Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura 1-Sep-13 Clinton, Hunterdon, NJ
Mute Swan Cygnus olor 3-Sep-13 Demotts Pond, Hunterdon, NJ
Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos 17-Sep-13 Cold Springs Preserve, NJ
Osprey Pandion haliaetus 10-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla 6-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Pileated Woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Prairie Warbler Setophaga discolor 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis 4-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Rock Pigeon Columba livia 1-Sep-13 Clinton, Hunterdon, NJ
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris 8-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Scarlet Tanager Piranga olivacea 4-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus 16-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia 5-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Swainson's Thrush Catharus ustulatus 6-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Tufted Titmouse Baeolophus bicolor 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Turkey Meleagris gallopavo 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura 2-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Veery Catharus fuscescens 6-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Warbling Vireo Vireo gilvus 8-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Wood Duck Aix sponsa 14-Sep-13 Demotts Pond, Hunterdon, NJ
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Empidonax flaviventris 5-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Centipede Chilopoda sp. 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Acan Brain Coral Acanthastrea echinata 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Blue Chalice Coral Echinopora sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Blue Voodoo Coral Acropora sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Fluted Giant Clam Tridacna squamosa 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Galaxea Coral Galaxea sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Kenya Tree Coral Capnella sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Moonstone Coral Favia sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Mushroom Coral Actinodiscus sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Nephthea Coral Nephthea sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Pipe Organ Coral Tubipora musica 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Plum Crazy Staghorn Coral Acropora sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Purple Fuzz Acropora Coral Acropora sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Red Cyphastrea Cyphastrea sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Sea Pen Gonidora sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Silver Pulsing Xenia Coral Xenia sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Spiny Cup Pectinia Coral Pectinia sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Staghorn Coral Acropora cervicornis 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Starburst Coral Briareum sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Stylophora Coral Stylophora sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Torch Coral Euphyllia glabrescens 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Black Tiger Shrimp Penaeus monodon 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Blue-legged Hermit Crab Clibanarius tricolor 16-Sep-13 East Stroudsburg, PA
Dungeness Crab Metacarcinus magister 16-Sep-13 Walmart, Clinton, NJ
King Crab Lithodidae sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Lobster Nephropidae sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Mexican Hermit Crab Clibanarius digueti 16-Sep-13 East Stroudsburg, PA
Pacific White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Snow Crab Chionoecetes sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Millipede Diplopoda sp. 7-Sep-13 Rosemont College, PA
African Cichlid Cichlidae sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Alaskan Pollock Theragra chalcogramma 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Albacore Tuna Thunnus alalunga 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Anchovy Engraulis sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Angelfish Pterophyllum scalar 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Atlantic Herring Clupea harengus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Atlantic Mackerel Scomber scombrus 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Bala Shark Balantiocheilos melanopterus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Banded Tetra Astyanax fasciatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Black Phantom Tetra Hyphessobrycon megalopterus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Black Tetra Gymnocorymbus ternetzi 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Bleedingheart Tetra Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Bloodfin Tetra Aphyocharax anisitsi 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Boeseman's Rainbowfish Melanotaenia boesemani 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis 11-Sep-13 Delaware Water Gap, NJ
Buenos Aires Tetra Hemigrammus caudovittatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Bushymouth Catfish Ancistrus dolichopteru 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Cardinal Tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus 5-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Cherry Barb Puntius titteya 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Chinese Algae Eater Gyrinocheilus aymonieri 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Chinese Barb Puntius semifasciolatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Chinook (King) Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Clown Loach Chromobotia macracanthus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Common Carp (Koi) Cyprinus carpio 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Common Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Demon eartheater Satanoperca jurupari 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Dojo Loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Dwarf Guarani Trichogaster lalius 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Eastern Rainbowfish Melanotaenia splendida 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
European Sprat (Brisling Sardine) Sprattus sprattus 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Flame Tetra Hyphessobrycon flammeus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Giant Danio Devario aequipinnatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Glowlight Tetra Hemigrammus erythrozonus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Golden Pristella Tetra Pristella maxillaris 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Goldfish Carassius auratus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Green Swordtail Xiphophorus hellerii 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Green Terror Aequidens rivulatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Guppy Poecilia reticulata 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Hyphessobrycon flammeus Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Iridescent Shark (Swai) Pangasianodon hypophthalmus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Jack Dempsey Rocio octofasciata 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Julii Cory Corydoras julii 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Keta Salmon Oncorhynchus keta 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Kissing Gouramis Helostoma temminckii 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Lemon Sole Microstomus kitt 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Lemon Yellow Lab Labidochromis caeruleus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Mahi-Mahi Coryphaena hippurus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Molly Poecilia sphenops 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Neon Tetra Paracheirodon innesi 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Patagonian Toothfish (Chilean Sea Bass) Dissostichus eleginoides 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Peacock Cichlid Aulonocara sp. 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Pearl Danio Danio albolineatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Pink Salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Porgy Sparidae sp. 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Princess Cichlid Neolamprologus brichardi 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Rainbow Shark Epalzeorhynchos frenatum 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Red Minor Tetra Hyphessobrycon eques 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Red-tailed Black Shark Epalzeorhynchos bicolor 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Rosy Barb Pethia conchonius 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Rosy-read Minnow Pimephales promela 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Sailfin Molly Poecilia latipinna 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Sardine Clupeidae sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Silvertip Tetra Hasemania nana 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Skate Rajidae sp. 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Smelt Osmeridae sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Southern Platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Striped Panchax Aplocheilus lineatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Suckermouth Catfish Hypostomus plecostomus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Swordfish Xiphias gladius 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Three Lined Rasbora Rasbora trilineata 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Three Spot Guarani Trichopodus trichopterus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Tiger Barb Systomus tetrazona 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Tilapia Oreochromes sp. 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Tinfoil Barb Barbonymus schwanenfeldii 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Variatus Platy Xiphophorus variatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
White Cloud Mountain Minnow Tanichthys albonubes 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Whiting Merlangius merlangus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Yellowfin Soul Limanda aspera 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Yucatan Molly Poecilia velifera 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Zebrafish Danio rerio 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Baker's Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Blue Cheese mold Penicillium glaucum 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Brewing yeast Brettanomyces bruxellensis 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Button Mushroom Agaricus bisporus 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Chanterelle Mushroom Cantharellus cibarius 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Dead-man's Fingers Xylaria polymorpha 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Gouda cheese white exterior mold Penicillium camembertii 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Maitake Mushroom Grifola frondosa 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Morel Mushroom Morchella sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Porcini Mushroom Boletus edulis 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Roquefort Cheese mold Penicillium roqueforti 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Shitaki Mushroom Lentinula edodes 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Straw Mushroom Volvariella volvacea 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Turkeytail  Coriolus versicolor 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Wood Ear Mushroom Auricularia auricula-judae 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Yeast Candida stellata 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Yeast Torulaspora delbrueckii 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Slug Gastropoda sp. 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
American Pistol Casebearer Moth Coleophora atromarginata 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Assasin Bug Reduviidae sp. 12-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Black Swallowtail Butterfly Papilio polyxenes 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Black-bordered Lemon Moth Marimatha nigrofimbria 4-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Bold-feathered Grass Moth Herpetogramma thestealis 1-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Halyomorpha haly 4-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Cherry Leaf Cone Roller Caloptilia serotinella 9-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Clouded Sulphur Colias philodice 10-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Confused Eusacara Eusacara confusaria 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Crane Fly Tipulidae sp. 1-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Delicate Cycnia Cycnia tenura 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Early Fan-foot Moth Zanclognatha cruralis 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Grape Leaffolder Moth Desmia funeralis 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Green Stink Bug Chinavia hilare 1-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
House Fly Musca domestica 5-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Indigo Stem Borrer Moth Papaipema baptisiae  3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Large Maple Spanworm Moth Prochoerodes lineola 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Large Tolype Moth Tolype velleda 13-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Lesser Grapevine Looper Eulithis diversilineata 7-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Master's Dart Moth Feltia herilis 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle Harmonia axyridis 13-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Pale Beauty Moth Campaea perlata 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Paper Wasp Polistinae sp. 17-Sep-13 Flemington, Hunterdon, NJ
Pearl Crescent Phyciodes tharos 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
Praying Mantis Mantis sp. 11-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Red-bordered Emerald Nemoria lixaria 11-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Rose Hooktip Moth Oreta rosea 4-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Spotted Grass Moth Rivula propinqualis 4-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Water Strider Gerridae sp. 7-Sep-13 Rosemont College, PA
Wavy -lined Emerald Synchlora aerata 10-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Yellow-collared Scape Moth Cisseps fulvicollis 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Bison Bison bison 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Brown Rat Rattus norvegicus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Campbell's dwarf hamster  Phodopus campbelli 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Cat Felis catus 3-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Cow Bos primigenius 1-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Dog Canus lupus 1-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Domestic Goat Capra aegagrus 4-Sep-13 Hunterdon, NJ
Domestic Pig Sus domesticus 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Domestic Sheep Ovis aries 2-Sep-13 Hunterdon, NJ
Eastern Gray Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis 10-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Ferret Mustela putorius furo 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Gerbil Meriones unguiculatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Golden Hamster Mesocricetus auratus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Gray Fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus 3-Sep-13 Hunterdon, NJ
Groundhog Marmota monax 4-Sep-13 Warren Co, NJ
Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Horse Equus ferus  3-Sep-13 Hunterdon, NJ
House Mouse Mus musculus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Human Homo sapiens 1-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Raccoon Procyon lotor 5-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Red Fox Vulpes vulpes 11-Sep-13 Hunterdon, NJ
Striped Skunk Mephitis mephitis 5-Sep-13 Clinton, Hunterdon, NJ
Virginia Opossum Didelphis virginiana 5-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus 2-Sep-13 Hunterdon, NJ
Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Chilean Blue Mussel Mytilus chilensis 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Hard Clam Mercenaria mercenaria 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Helix Snail (Escargot) Helix sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
New Zealand Green-lipped Mussel Perna canaliculus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Octopus Octopoda sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Oyster   Ostreidae sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Scallops Pectinidae sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Skungili (Conch) Strombus sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Soft-shell (Steamer) Clam Mya arenaria 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Squid Teuthida sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Acacia Senegalia senegal 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Acai Euterpe oleracea 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Acerola Malpighia emarginata 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
African Oil Palm Elaeis guineensi 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Almond Prunus amygdalus 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Amaranth Amaranthus sp. 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
American Holly Ilex opaca 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
American Pokeweed Phytolacca americana 5-Sep-13 Clinton WMA, Hunterdon, NJ
American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis 12-Sep-13 Delaware Water Gap, NJ
Anthurium Anthurium sp. 14-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Anubius Plant Anubias barteri 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Apple Malus domestica 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Apple Guava Psidium guajava 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Arborvitae Thuja sp. 7-Sep-13 Rosemont College, PA
Arrowroot Maranta arundinacea 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Asian Rice Oryza sativa 1-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Asparagus Asparagus officinalis 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Aster Aster sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Astragalus Astragalus sp. 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Avocado Persea americana 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Azalea Tsutsuji sp. 11-Sep-13 East Stroudsburg, PA
Banana Musa × paradisiaca 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Basil Ocimum basilicum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Bay Laurel Laurus nobilis 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Beet Beta vulgaris  5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Black Cherry Prunus serotina 5-Sep-13 LDS Church, Clinton, NJ
Black Cohosh Actaea racemosa 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Black Elderberry Sambucus nigra 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Black Pepper Piper nigrum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 11-Sep-13 East Stroudsburg, PA
Blueberry Vaccinium sp. 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Broadleaf Plantain Plantago major 17-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Broccoli Cabbage Brassica oleracea 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Buckhorn Plantain Plantago lanceolata 17-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Butternut Squash Cucurbita moschata 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Cacao Tree Theobroma cacao 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Camu Camu Myrciaria dubia 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Canna Canna sp. 16-Sep-13 East Stroudsburg, PA
Caraway Carum carvi 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Carob Tree Ceratonia siliqua 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Carrot Daucus carota 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Cashew Anacardium occidentale 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Cassava Manihot esculenta 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Cattail Typha sp. 17-Sep-13 Cold Springs Preserve, NJ
Celery Apium graveolens 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Chayote Sechium edule 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Chia Salvia hispanica 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Chickpea Cicer arietinum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Chinese Water Chestnut Eleocharis dulcis 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Chives Allium schoenoprasum 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum × morifolium 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Cinnamon Cinnamomum sp. 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Clove Syzygium aromaticum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Clover Trifolium sp. 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Cocklebur Xanthium strumarium 17-Sep-13 Cold Springs Preserve, NJ
Coconut Cocos nucifera 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Common Bean Phaseolus vulgari 1-Sep-13 Union Twp, Hunterdon, NJ
Common Blackberry Rubus fruticosus 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Common Flax Linum usitatissimum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Common Grape Vine Vitis vinifera 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Common Oat Avena sativa 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Common Sage Salvia officinalis 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Coriander Coriandrum sativum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Corn Zea mays 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Cranberry Oxycoccus sp. 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Cucumber Cucumis sativus 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Cumin Cuminum cyminum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Curled Dock Rumex crispus 17-Sep-13 Cold Springs Preserve, NJ
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Dill Anethum graveolens 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Dragon Fruit Hylocereus undatus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Duckweed Lemnoideae sp. 17-Sep-13 Cold Springs Preserve, NJ
Eastern Black Walnut Juglans nigra 17-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Eastern White Pine Pinus strobu 5-Sep-13 LDS Church, Clinton, NJ
Echinacea Echinacea purpurea 12-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Eggplant Solanum melongena 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
English Walnut Juglans regia 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
European Pear Pyrus communis 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Flat-leafed Vanilla Vanilla planifolia 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Fuzzy Kiwifruit Actinidia deliciosa 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Garcinia Cambogia Garcinia gummi-gutta 14-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Garlic Allium sativum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Geranium Geranium sp. 16-Sep-13 Johnny's Hotdogs, Warren, NJ
Gerbera Daisy Gerbera sp. 14-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
German Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Ginger Zingiber officinale 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Gingko Ginkgo biloba 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Globe Artichoke Cynara cardunculus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Goldenrod Solidago sp. 11-Sep-13 Delaware Water Gap, NJ
Grapefruit Citrus x paradisi 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Gray Birch Betula populifolia 17-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Hazelnuts Corylus x avellana 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Hemp Cannabis sativa 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Hibiscus Hibiscus sabdariffa 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Horseradish Armoracia rustican 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Hubbard Squash Cucurbita maxima 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Hydrangea Hydrangea sp. 16-Sep-13 East Stroudsburg, PA
Inkberry Ilex glabra 5-Sep-13 LDS Church, Clinton, NJ
Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 16-Sep-13 East Stroudsburg, PA
Java Moss Vesicularia dubyana 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Jerusalem Artichoke Helianthus tuberosus 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Jicama Pachyrhizus erosus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Kalanchoe Kalanchoe sp. 14-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Kentucky Bluegrass Poa pratensis 14-Sep-13 Yankee Stadium, Bronx, NY
Kentucky Coffeetree Gymnocladus dioicus 5-Sep-13 LDS Church, Clinton, NJ
Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Lemon   Citrus × limon 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citratus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Lentil Lens culinaris 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Lettuce Lactuca sativa 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
London Planetree Platanus × acerifolia 7-Sep-13 Rosemont College, PA
Macademia Nut Macademia sp. 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Mango Mangifera indica 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Marjoram Origanum majoran 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Mild White Mustard Sinapis hirta 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Milk Thistle Silybum marianum 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Millet Panicoideae sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Milo Sorghum bicolor 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Mint Mentha sp. 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Moth Orchid Phalaenopsis sp. 14-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Mugo Pine Pinus mugo 5-Sep-13 LDS Church, Clinton, NJ
Musk (Honeydew) Melon Cucumis melo 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Nimblewill Muhlenbergia schreberi 17-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Norway Maple Acer platanoides 7-Sep-13 Rosemont College, PA
Norway Spruce Picea abies 7-Sep-13 Rosemont College, PA
Okra Abelmoschus esculentus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Olive Olea europaea 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Onion Allium cepa 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Oregano Origanum vulgare 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Papaya Carica papaya 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Parsley Petroselinum crispum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Parsnip Pastinaca sativa 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Passion Fruit Passiflora edulis 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Pea Pisum sativum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Peace Lily Spathiphyllum sp. 14-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Peach Prunus persica 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Peanut Arachis hypogaea 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Pecan Carya illinoinensis 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Pepper Capsicum annuum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Persian Lime Citrus latifolia 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Pineapple Ananas comosus 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Pistachio Pistacia vera 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Poison Ivy Toxicodendron radicans 10-Sep-13 Flemington, Hunterdon, NJ
Pomegranate Punica granatum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Ponytail Palm Beaucarnea recurvata 14-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Potato Solanum tuberosum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Prune Prunus domestica 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Pumpkin Cucurbita pepo 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Quinoa Chenopodium quinoa 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Radish Raphanus sativus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Rapeseed (Canola oil) Brassica napus 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Red Maple Acer rubrum 5-Sep-13 LDS Church, Clinton, NJ
Red Raspberry Rubus idaeus 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Rhubarb Rheum rhabarbarum 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
River Birch Betula nigra 5-Sep-13 LDS Church, Clinton, NJ
Rose  Rosa sp. 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Safflower Carthamus tinctorius 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Saw Palmetto Serenoa repens 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Sesame Sesamum indicum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Silver Maple Acer saccharinum 17-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Song of India Dracaena reflexa 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Soybean Glycine max 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Spinach Spinacia oleracea 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
St John's Wort Hypericum perforatum 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Strawberry Fragaria x ananassa 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Sugar Cane Saccharum sp. 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Sunflower Helianthus annuus 4-Sep-13 Warren Co, NJ
Sweet Orange Citrus x sinensis 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Sweet Potato Ipomoea batatas 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Tamarind Tamarindus indica 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Tea Flower Camellia sinensis 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Thyme Thymus vulgaris 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Tomatillo Physalis philadelphica 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Tomato Solanum lycopersicum 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Tulip Tulipa sp. 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Turmeric Curcuma longa 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Turnip Brassica rapa 5-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Valerian Valerina officinalis 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia 17-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Wandering Jew Tradescantia pallid 16-Sep-13 Johnny's Hotdogs, Warren, NJ
Watermelon Citrullus lanatus 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
Wheat Triticum sp. 2-Sep-13 Home, Hunterdon, NJ
White Ash Fraxinus americana 5-Sep-13 LDS Church, Clinton, NJ
White Oak Quercus alba 11-Sep-13 Delaware Water Gap, NJ
Chlorella Chlorella sp. 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Wakame Seaweed Undaria pinnatifida 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Ball Python Python regius 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Crested Gecko Correlophus ciliatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Eastern Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta 6-Sep-13 Spruce Run, Hunterdon, NJ
Green Anole Anolis carolinensis 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Green Iguana Iguana iguana 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Leopard Gecko Eublepharis macularius 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Red Cornsnake Pantherophis guttatus 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Red-tailed Boa Boa constrictor 10-Sep-13 Petco, Phillipsburg, NJ
Carrageenan Moss Chondrus crispus 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ
Nori Seaweed Porphyra sp. 12-Sep-13 Shoprite, Clinton, NJ
Novia Scotia Dulse Palmaria palmata 9-Sep-13 Target, Phillipsburg, NJ

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