After a tougher than usual morning of getting the family out of the house, my acute birding anemia flared up really bad, and I had to take an Emergency Bird Walk to at least get my Bird RDA and keep my bird neurons from completely collapsing. A slow hour stroll seems to have done the trick, at least temporarily. Many thanks to the following birds, in order of appearance:
Blue Jay (lots migrating through and calling right now)
American Robin (ditto)
Carolina Wren (a couple singing still)
European Starling
House Sparrow
Mourning Dove (on the power line)
American Goldfinch
American Crow (proud to be an American, apparently)
House Finch
Carolina Chickadee
Common Grackle (less common than they used to be)
Red-tailed Hawk (sitting in a tree, being harassed by jays)
Northern Mockingbird (coughing away in a thicket by the creek)
Tufted Titmouse
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow (singing)
Northern Cardinal
White-breasted Nuthatch
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Eastern Bluebird (checking out the birdhouses by the hike and bike trail)
Dark-eyed Junco
Yellow-rumped warbler (feeding in the lawn of a flooded field)
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Flicker (a pair in a tree)
Mallard (calling down by the creek)
Canada Goose (calling off across the creek somewhere)
5 Reasons Why Intelligent Birds Oppose Trump
10 hours ago
I hope you're feeling better now. I'm likely stuck indoors all weekend.
What really works me up is sitting in class, and a few juncos fly past, followed by a couple of cardinals, and so on and so forth.
Great list for a random trip!
I know the feeling. Glad you were able to scratch that itch. Got it pretty bad m'self. BTW: How did the following make it past my radar for this long? Have you heard of it?
Love your RDA. Some days are worse than others for getting a bird fix. The shorten days do not help.
I got my RDA this weekend at Sandi Crest, NM-- see:
Yeah Ken, gotta love the Sandia Crest! Rosy-finches swirling around in clear sight of Albuquerque just 2 miles (and 5,000 feet in elevation) below.
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