Ever find a feather, and were just dying to know what bird it came from? You can get a little help in your feather identification quest from The Feather Almanac. It may take some browsing around, but you can find images of flight feathers from hundreds of birds (flight feathers are the long feathers from the wings and tail of birds--the big straight feathers). So, check it out!
Thanks so much for this link. I've been looking for a way to identify some feathers I recently found. And the page is a lot easier to use than I thought. Turns out I had feathers belonging to a blue jay (my first guess) and a mourning dove.
Excellent. I didn't think I'd ever know who had been in my yard. Turns out he was a great horned owl.
Hmm. I need other feathers other than flight ones. A hobby of mine is identifying feathers, so I always need a good website. But some of my feathers simply do not pop up in the pictures!
there's a carnage of feathers black on one side and brown on the other side. Looks like it was a farely large bird. Is there a way to identify what it was.
Thank you so much! You've made this bird lover's day!
Now a dead link. New Link:
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