Thursday, December 02, 2004

Owl Prowl

This evening I headed out to Hornsby Bend with my two oldest kids. Wanted to scout out Platt Lane for some owls in advance of tomorrow's owl workshop. Unfortunately, the county sheriff's office was conducting training on the road, so we had to go off road. I did manage to see a Harris's Sparrow along a brushy fenceline...a bird I hadn't seen yet this winter. Down along the Colorado River, I was able to call up two Barred Owls. They called back, but stayed out of sight. Later, after spotlighting nine skunks around the CER building at Hornsby Bend, I managed to catch a Great Horned Owl on a powerline. It flew as I tried to move the car to where the kids could see the bird, and disappeared into the pecan trees.

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