Saturday, December 04, 2004


Yesterday as I went to get the mail, an adult female Cooper’s Hawk, a locally uncommon bird, flew up into a large sycamore in my yard—the same tree that hosted a Red-tailed Hawk the day before. I was able to point the bird out to my neighbor, who looked at it through my binoculars, before it flew off towards the river. Earlier this morning, two Pine Siskin flew past with some American Goldfinches—the first time I’ve had siskins here in my seven years of living here. With the flock were half a dozen Lesser Goldfinches, which was surprising, because though they are fairly common a few miles west of here, this was only the second time I’ve ever seen these birds in my yard. Fun to live in Austin, Texas, where I can easily find 30 bird species anytime within a mile of my house.

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