Monday, August 08, 2011

Bird of the Week: House Sparrow

(Photo: Dave-F)

I was looking out my window this morning and noticed I have a regular sparrow nursery in my backyard.

I live in an urban row home in Bucks County, PA so I only have a tiny backyard. But this morning there was a lot of activity. House Sparrows adults and juveniles were on the patio and in the grass, a juvenile Song Sparrow came through, a juvenile Chipping Sparrow was up on a utility line near the alley, and House Finches came through with young as well. As a birder, I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I don't really know House Sparrows very well. They aren't a bird that most of us spend much time getting to know, even though we may see them every single day. So join me this week as I explore the world of the House Sparrow. I'll be reading up on them, but more importantly spending some time with them in my yard and elsewhere. If you are like me, you may want to take a moment to reconnect--or perhaps connect for the first time, with these birds as well.

For reading:
For viewing:
If they aren't in your yard, go to any urban park or strip mall--look for buildings, concrete, and hedges or bushes.

House Sparrow Week Posts:
House Sparrow Appreciation FAIL!
House Sparrow Appreciation Take 2
How Long do House Sparrows Live?
Mysterious House Sparrow Calls

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