Photo: http://www.avesphoto.com/website/pictures/NHKCOM-4.jpg |
In Mexico, the Chupacabra ("goatsucker") is an evil monster stalking the night. In reality, goatsuckers are a family of nocturnal birds that include the Whip-poor-will. Out west, the most common urban goatsucker is the Common Nighthawk--when I lived in Austin, Texas, these birds were commonly found hunting for insects by flying around parking lot lights in town. Out here in Pennsylvania, they are much less common and mostly seen during migration, so I was pleased to see one flying over the fields behind my office after work earlier this week.
You guys wrong about the chupacabra, because there is ovious proof that this monster exists. Nice try, though.
dude, its real. don't ask me how I know... heh heh...
why dont you dudes believe? Its just a new species and since you didn't believe in the beginning, changing your opinion now would make you guys look stupid. Last comment was by Kamon Wolfe, my friend. e-mail him at
kamon_wolfe@yahoo.com. He needs a cooler e-mail address.
thieff, you're here? tight. Lets meet up. I got kolt's #. Oh 1st anonymous, you're OK. not like that
[expletive deleted] piece of crap birdmeister. Oh yeah, kamon_wolfe@ etc. is my e-mail. not kamon's. keep bein kool.
Spotted this bird flying northward directly overhead 8/18 6:00pm White Clay Creek State Park Delaware. Found your blog trying to verify it's identity. Awesome sight!
Im in Laveen, AZ I saw TONS of these birds flying around the street lights. I just want to know what they were!
I saw a bunch of these in upstate ny darting over my woodland property doing barrel rolls and cork screws. Found this site looking them up.
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