Its true. Sometimes you do. I've seen small flocks of Mourning Doves in the woods, but more often they feed on the ground in more open areas. But there was something else different about these doves. They were larger than Mourning Doves. More purplish. We were only a few feet away from them, and in perfect light, I could see that they weren't Mourning Doves at all. There, right in front of me and my friends was a small group of Passenger Pigeons.

Then, hearing something behind me, I turned and saw a large pair of woodpeckers behind me. On most days, a sighting of a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers would be the highlight of any morning birdwalk here in Southeastern Pennsylvania. But not today. Just as the doves weren't Mourning Doves, the woodpeckers in front of me weren't Pileateds. They looked to be about the same size as Pileateds, but they had large white patches on their back, and horn-colored bills. One, the female, had a recurved black crest. The other, the male, had a red crest. Again, I was very close to these birds. In perfect light. In fact, squatting down very still, I was able to get within inches of this pair of birds clinging to an old stump. The viewing conditions were perfect, and I studied the birds at length. There can be no doubt as to their identification. There, not 15 feet away from the Passenger Pigeons was a pair of Ivory-billed Woodpeckers.

From where I live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, head south towards Philadelphia on the Northeast Extension. Take I-76 east towards central Philly, then take the left exit onto I-676. Immediately take the first exit on the right--that's the Ben Franklin Parkway. At the bottom of the ramp, continue straight for a couple blocks. That will take you to Logan Circle. Go 1/4 of the way around the circle and you'll see a large brick building on the right on the corner of Logan Circle and 19th Street. The birds were on the third floor of this building, here on display at The Academy of Natural Sciences.
While you can't exactly add these mounted museum specimens to your life list, you can see them at extremely close range. And right next to these birds, are three mounted Eskimo Curlews, a Great Auk, and a couple of Labrador Ducks.
How is one to feel at seeing the bodies of so many extinct birds? While I don't get to see Passenger Pigeons and Great Auks every day, even as museum skins, it was hard to get excited about seeing them. It was neat, but not a happy sighting. Instead of marveling at the sight of so many rare birds, the experience left me feeling hollow and empty. Their presence was a blunt reminder of their absence.
For those who care about birds, there are many such reminders. Too many. Small flocks of spring warblers reminding one of the many more birds that one could find in the past. Sightings of birds, now rare, that were once common. Rumors of ghost birds, hard to verify, in distant bottomlands of the Mississippi Delta.
These sightings and experiences are hard to take, unless you believe. Unless you feel in your heart of hearts that the Cornell researchers and Audubon volunteers will find the Ivory-bills this winter in Arkansas. Or maybe on the Atchafalaya. Or you can imagine somebody spending $100K to set up a private Attwater's Prairie Chicken breeding facility, and raising another $30 million to buy 5,000 acres of Blackland Prairie Farmland to restore prairie chickens to Central Texas. Or you can envision neighbors banding together to manage their property for the birds of conservation concern in their area. Or that we can rewild the American west by bringing back the megafauna that we lost during the human colonization of the Americas 11,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene.

I believe. Can you? Can you see it?

Denise, I believe! What an excellent and reflective post on the extinction crisis we face. I remember seeing Passenger Pigeons at the Bell Museum when I was about 10, and all I could think of, even at that age, was "I'll never get to see one of these alive."
I'm a believer! Nice post Denise.
you do know that other people have seen passenger pigeons in southeastern PA
in southeastern PA passenger pigeon sightings still continue kevin B video taped one of them but accidentally video taped over it if if any one has video taped a passenger pigeon sighting in southeastern PA please put it here so i can know
A guy from Nottingham, PA has both stills & a video of apparently a live passenger pigeon in a tree.
You can email him:
Dream on! I am certain they are extinct, as well ivory-bills were not native to PA.
Finally! someone who explains the markings to proof that the woodpecker wasn't a pileated! hundreds of people say they saw an Ivory-billed, even took pictures for proof... proof that it was a pileated! Wonderful! Too bad you didn't get to take a picture, though.
I believe you. I do not think these birds are extinct. They have probably been hiding in small flocks for almost a century and nobody bothered to find out.
Weird, I thought I seen one of these, I'm from Nottingham pa
Yes - Passenger Pigeons still survive in small flocks and migrate down into Maryland & Delaware along the Big Elk River...
There have been several recent Passenger Pigeon sightings around Nottingham, PA.
Just google youtube for a video of one up in a tree.
Are links allowed here?
Here's a link to the video of one sitting in a tree in the Nottingham Pennsylvania region:
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