Sora, Cold Brook Preserve, NJ |
The day started with my not knowing exactly how many species I needed to cross the 1000 species threshold, as I hadn't tallied up all my species from Saturday. But I thought I needed at least 30 species to finish the day.
After teaching my classes at East Stroudsburg University, I stopped by the greenhouse and picked up what I hoped would be at least a dozen species. Then I stopped by Cold Brook Preserve to look for the
Sora that had been there the last two days. After many days of looking for this bird this fall and last fall, it was nice to get good looks of an adult Sora feeding on the edge of the small marshy pond there.
Then I headed home to be with my kids as they got off the bus from school. We wandered the yard and turned over logs hoping to get enough species to finish out the month. By bedtime I was sure I had gotten 1000 species, but didn't know what my final tally would be. As it is, the final tally will go up as I identify additional plants and moths that I have photographed this month, but for now at least the goal was met.
Later I'll post a recap and retrospective of what I learned doing this challenge this month. I'm already thinking about how to go bigger next September :-)
Final Species Tally: 1004+
New Species
Spider |
Salticidae sp. |
Orb-weaving Spider |
Araneidae sp. |
Wolf Spider |
Lycosidae sp. |
Sora |
Porzana carolina |
Woodlouse |
Oniscidea sp. |
Ant |
Formicidae sp. |
Band-winged Grasshopper |
Oedipodinae sp. |
Bumblebee |
Bombini sp. |
Fruit Fly |
Tephritidae sp. |
Large Carpenter Bee |
Xylocopinae sp. |
Orange Sulphur |
Colias eurytheme |
Northern Short-tailed Shrew |
Blarina brevicauda |
Birdbill Dayflower |
Commelina dianthifolia |
Bowstring Hemp |
Sansevieria hyacinthoides |
False Lilac |
Leptodermis oblonga |
Fire Lilly |
Cyrtanthus elatus |
Fuchsia |
Fuchsia hybrid |
Grass Aloe |
Aloe verecunda |
Hippeastrum |
Hippeastrum vittatum |
Hippeastrum |
Hippeastrum aulicum |
Hummingbird Bush |
Anisacanthus quadrifidu |
Lindheimer's Beeblossom |
Oenothera lindheimeri |
Pelargonium Storksbill |
Pelargonium sp. |
Pink Friesland Sage |
Salvia nemorosa |
Porcupine Tomato |
Solanum pyracanthum |
Purple Passionflower |
Passiflora incarnata |
Red Clover |
Trifolium pratense |
Rose Cactus |
Pereskia grandifolia |
Spotted Touch-Me-Not |
Impatiens capensis |
Turquoise Crossanda |
Ecbolium viride |